Workshop ‘VR Works in Rehabilitation! Reducing stress complaints with virtual reality
We invited you to the workshop of XRehab, titled 'VRelax Works in Rehabilitation! Reducing stress complaints with virtual reality.'
To work with VRelax, you don't need controllers thanks to Gaze Control. This package also includes the use of a dashboard with an optional observation feature. In addition to these benefits, VRelax also offers the possibility of Heart Rate Variability measurement.
For 10 interested organizations attending this workshop, VRelax provides the opportunity for a three-week trial within their own institution! These could be taken home immediately after the workshop.
Relaxation exercises are often part of treatment and are effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and pain. It is challenging to help people with rehabilitation when there is reduced focus and concentration.
VRelax is a valuable innovation for people with tension, anxiety, and sleep problems.
Stress and poor sleep cause many health problems. The issue: performing relaxation exercises requires attention, discipline, energy, and endurance. For people with high tension, pain, and psychological symptoms, this can be particularly challenging. VRelax offers an innovative lifeline that individuals can use independently at any time to promote mental health. It gives people more control/self-regulation over their perceived illness burden and promotes recovery. During this knowledge session, we discussed how VRelax can make a valuable contribution to 'working differently in practice,' focusing on the themes:
Self-regulation in mental complaints: Care that truly helps and fits the patient's situation
Sleep and prevention
VR relaxation: accessible and close
Person-centered treatment by combining with VR relaxation
Increasing job satisfaction
Allowing more space for digital interventions
Take-home messages?
The use of virtual reality relaxation expands the possibilities for self-regulation in tension, anxiety, and sleep problems.
The use of VR applications offers an effective and accessible solution for mental health issues.
HRV measurements provide valuable insights as vitality and health are measured at a basic biological level. A negative trend provides an opportunity for intervention, and a positive trend confirms that something is working.
VR relaxation can be a valuable addition to 'working differently in practice.'
The following program was arranged:
5:00 pm: Registration
5:30 pm: What is VRelax with a focus on collaboration/research University Medical Center Groningen/VR Mental Health Lab
6:00 pm: Experiencing VRelax firsthand
6:30 pm: Break
6:45 pm: Implementation | Who is your patient, and how do you use VR for this target group?
7:45 pm: Networking moment
This event took place on Thursday, October 12, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm at The Penta – Howest.
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