Workshop Alexianen Zorggroep Tienen

Today we gave an XR workshop for therapists and patients at Alexianen Zorggroep Tienen. Among other things, we demonstrated there some of our prototypes.

With Shopping Experience VR, we demonstrated how patients can learn to shop safely in a virtual supermarket environment. The therapist can follow where the patient is in the store and make adjustments if necessary. Among other things, it keeps track of whether or not the budget is exceeded and whether the right products are purchased. This game can also be combined with biometric sensors. For example, heart rate, skin conductance and breathing can be measured.

Visual 360° Environment Explorer is a VR solution with real-time eye monitoring and heatmap. Loading 360° photos or videos combined with Eye-tracking allows you to track eye movements and analyze viewing behavior in real-life situations, such as navigating through a supermarket.

This session was again a very informative, interactive experience!

Thank you Eva Dierckx and Sarah Heyse for organizing and helping with this workshop. Thanks also to all participating therapists and attendees for the valuable feedback!


Closing event


Workshop BZIO and UZ Gent